Please Help!  Teeny tiny font.

Brand new Lenovo Yoga 3 Pro, running MS windows 8.1 Set up went OK but when opening any internet page, the page fills only the center of my screen from top to bottom, and is so tiny I can't even read it! eek!

I googled and found that I should go to display and tell it to 'let me choose' the size, (and it said to choose 125% which I thought odd) but it doesn't work.  I tried choosing 100% and even 250% but no go.

Can anyone help?  It's frustrating enough to learn a new computer and learn windows 8.1 without having this font issue.

Thanks for any help.

March 28th, 2015 1:47pm


First my suggestion is to install the driver for your display card. I assume Yoga 3 Pro 1370 is your laptop. If not, please find your laptop in Lanovo's website:

Please Note: Since the web site is not hosted by Microsoft, the link may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this information.

Please install Display and Video Graphics driver.

If the issue only occur on opening internet page, which means it only occurs in Internet Explorer. Please open IE, go to Internet Options - Advanced tab, and click Reset to reset internet Explorer settings. 

Also as it s a brand new computer, go to Windows Updates and install all updates. 

If issue still exists, please go to and take a photo of your laptop to show us the exact status. You may not able to add a screenshot in reply so please upload to a network drive such as OneDrive so we can get it. 

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March 30th, 2015 1:18am

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